AAUP Updates

Today, the AAUP’s Center for the Defense of Academic Freedom released a new white paper, Manufacturing Backlash: Right-Wing Think Tanks and Legislative Attacks on Higher Education, 2021–2023, detailing well-funded and widespread political and legislative attacks on higher education.

The AAUP has joined the Double Pell Alliance, a group of organizations and associations advocating for increased investments in the Federal Pell Grant program, in calling for the maximum Pell Grant amount to be increased to $13,000 per year for fiscal year 2025.

AAUP president Irene Mulvey released a statement along with the presidents of Rutgers, Northwestern, and UCLA ahead of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce on May 23.

As part of a coalition of 228 national, state, and local civil rights, consumer advocacy, veterans, disability, and labor organizations, the AAUP has submitted comments supporting student debt cancellation. We encourage the US Department of Education to implement it as swiftly and efficiently as possible and to ensure that it provides the maximum amount of relief to borrowers.

The AAUP and its chapters defend the right to free speech and peaceful protest on university campuses, condemn the militarized response by institutional leaders to these activities, and vehemently oppose the politically motivated assault on higher education.

Faculty at the University of Kansas have voted overwhelmingly for a union, affiliated with the AAUP and AFT. United Academics of the University of Kansas represents more than 1,550 full-time and part-time tenured and nontenure-track faculty; teaching, research, clinical and online professors; lecturers; curators; librarians; grant-funded research scientists, and other academic staff.

AAUP in the News

Tue, 05/28/2024  |  KOCO 5 News

"What this sends is a very strong message that OU is going to do minimal and certainly doesn’t seem to have anybody’s back," Michael Givel, an OU professor and member of the OU chapter of the American Association of University Professors, said. 

"DEI, the words need to be reinstated. We’re engaging in cancel culture here. We need to reinstate all the programs that have been canceled."

Thu, 05/23/2024  |  Open Campus

“The message is that these politicians are entitled to have authority over what happens on a college campus,” said Irene Mulvey, president of the American Association of University Professors. “And that’s just unacceptable in a free society. It’s really … political repression.”

Mulvey condemned antisemitism but said it is being weaponized by bad actors to delegitimize higher education as a pillar of democracy.

“The only thing to do as a college president in this situation is to stand on principle and give a robust, full-throated defense of academic freedom for faculty, and free speech and freedom of the press and freedom of association for their students,” she said.

Fri, 05/10/2024  |  Chronicle of Higher Education

"Our goal on college campuses is free and open inquiry and debate. What we’ve seen is immediate silencing of speech, without any genuine attempt to talk to the students and understand the concerns that led to the protests, to think about and hear their demands. I’ve spent my entire career on college campuses, and this silencing of speech feels like a crisis of repression," said Irene Mulvey, AAUP president.

Wed, 05/01/2024  |  Chronicle of Higher Education

Despite the uphill battles to reach agreements on campuses, open dialogue with student protesters is what the American Association of University Professors has promoted as the best route forward in this heated moment, said Irene Mulvey, president of AAUP.

Instead of responding to multiday demonstrations by issuing suspensions or bringing in the police, Mulvey said, colleges should strive to communicate with students and use the negotiating table as an educational opportunity. “The way forward is through education — to talk to each other, to understand each other, even in disagreement,” she said. “I think [the agreements are] modeling what should be done everywhere.”

Tue, 04/30/2024  |  Inside Higher Ed

It’s one thing to see university presidents fail to defend academic freedom” in front of Congress, and it’s “quite harrowing to see that cowardice followed up by the sanctioning of police violence on campus," said Isaac Kamola, Director of the AAUP'd Center for the Defense of Academic Freedom.

Upcoming Events

May 31, 2024 to June 1, 2024

A meeting of the AAUP's Committee A for Academic Freedom and Tenure.

June 13, 2024 to June 16, 2024

The 2024 AAUP Conference and Biennial Meeting will take place in the Washington, DC, area, starting on Thursday, June 13.

August 1, 2024 to August 4, 2024

Save the date! The 2024 Summer Institute will be held at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. You can read more about the AAUP Summer Institute here. Details about this year's program will be forthcoming in the spring. 

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